Servants of GOD, Bishop Nicolous Suguye and Pastor Annah amidst worshiping God during worship service.
Musicians playing instruments while other singers solisting the saints during praise.
Below is the congregation, jointly worshiping GOD in truth and spirit( JESUS said true worshippers will worship GOD in truth and in spirit). Always after worship session, time to feed on spiritual food(THE WORD) congregation normally has to be calm, you may view below pictures potrays that saints are following up what man of GOD is ushering. The below photo shows the servant of GOD, narrating on news paper what GOD had showed him earlier before it happened (Prophecy). Previous sunday GOD showed Prophet and Bishop Nicolous Suguye, that religious leaders in our country(Tanzania) were fighting gainst themselve. The servant instructed entire church to pray and fast for seven days, on the first day the news came up showing that leaders fought against each other, in this wrangle the second service could not take place (No Man can reveal this to men but GOD). Bishop Nicolous Suguye ushering GOD's Word to the congregation with the them 'GOD HAS REMEMBERED HIS PEOPLE'