The secret behind their feet is that God had sactified, and established them to posses great and mightly owned lands and teritories.
But now days, many people do not posses what they have to, because satan has manupulated their feet through charming.
Witch doctors, soceries and wizards, have impurified many lives by their evil means. Many people have been bewitched and their lives have turned sour with all sort of curses due to devil's oppression.
Some of them can not possess better paying jobs, happy marriages, great and international businesses simply because the enemy has tampered with their feet stamps.
The enemy through witchcarft planted something in your way, and as you jumped it immediately life turned worse because of the curse you went over with your feet.
When God was taking the children of Israel from egypt, He dealt first with their feet, He called Moses, and said remove your shoe, the land you are standing is the holy ground.
Joshua 1:3"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.
Today God is reminding us of the covenant that He made with Moses.We are to posses every land that our feet tread on.
John 13:1-15 " Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end, 2 And supper being ended .........5 After that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the desciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel, and girded himself.....
We see Jesus dealing with desciples feet, He knew what was needed in order to change their lives into blessing,
So many people have entered the church and have decided to live the way they are, but God wants to wash, cleanse up your feet in order to be possessor of His blessings.
God has remembered His covenant of possessing with his servant, and this is the reason of what is yet to happen.......
Bishop Nicolous Suguye preaching on the secrets behind your feet stamp.
Bishop elaborating how people fail to possess good jobs with their good academic credations simply because the enemy has witched them.
Bishop Nicolous Suguye washing and wiping the feet of church members as sign of washing off what the enemy has planted in their lives.
The boy struggling to untie his hands, had been possesed with evil spirits, and as he step forward to be washed, the evil spirits inside him reacted negatively to this divine exercises. God was working on him. Below are some of the usher, commanding spirits out of this boy.
Ushers carry the lady who had been possesed and evil spirits which resisted her from attending the feet washing exercise.
Evil spirits inside this young lady could not allow her attend this divine occassion freely, and so they caught her eyes.
Some of church members fell down just after being attended by the annointed servant of God Bishop Nicolous Suguye.
Below are some of great gospel singers, Miss Renata Samba (left) and Mrs Kabula Geroge (Right)
Below is the group of praise team of WRM known as VOICE OF PRAISE,as they minister unto LORD on sunday 29th August 2010.
Dear readers,
I salute you in the mighty name of the LORD, Jesus Christ.
I take this opportunity to welcome each one into this special sunday service. God has purposed to do something great into your life.
Many of you have been tormented and oppressed by devil, and some visited doctors and witchdoctors to solve your case but with no solution to. Is your marriage on stake due to lack of baby? What is your case, that you think God can not do?
Come and meet the annointed servant of God, Bishop Nicolous Suguye of the Word Of Reconcilliation Ministries(WRM)-Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, and He will pray to free you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
This sunday of 5th September 2010, God has prepared something wonderful for you and need not to miss. Miracles will explode like never before, because the mighty hand of God is ready to do more than yesterday.
Our sunday services always starts from 9.00 am morning to noon.
You are all welcome, be blessed.