Bishop Nicolous Suguye, used mightly by GOD to bring total deleiverance to people who have been oppressed by devil and same time healing people who are suffering from chronic deseases.

Have you encountered alot of obstacles in your life, and now you feel life to be worthless? Have you visited doctors of all kinds and still your problem seems to be senseless to their attendance? This is your time to come out of it, come and meet GOD's servants led by Bishop Nicolous Suguye under the power of Holy Spirit, they will lay hand on you and your life will never remain the same. This is your time and day that GOD has heard enough of your sorrow, Has come down. (Exodus 3:7-8).

Voices of Praise

Kabu J.George
Come and meet the mighty hand of God in every Sunday service and HIS presence during Praise and worship session, The bible says HE dwells in the praise of HIS people.