Matthew testifying before saints of God at WRM.
Hear This great Testmony:
Mathew came from village to Dar es Salaam searching for life.
I happened to meet one person (name reserved), who asked me if we could be partners with him in business. Since I was hunting for life, though hard not capital to start with I greed, this person gave me some small amount of money to begin with. I started business with that small money it was doing great . We later both decided to get an outlet shop for renting at kariakoo-Dar es salaam. As days pastby the business was growing and place became small. We decided to share our investment and everyone to run his own shop.I managed to hire another boy to run business with.
One day while on my way home I met a lady in a minibus and we exchanged contacts with and as days pastby we developed a serious relationship with her and promised to marry each other. As time for serious relationship came, I sent dawary to her home and we begun to prepare ourselves for wedding. But before wedding day, just few days to the ceremony, my fiance disappeared magically and we never saw or met each other from that day.
I decided to shift from that house, and went to rent somewhere else.
One day when I had board minibus heading to work, I a woman carrying little child , and since I was to merciful I asked her if I could help her carry her child because she had no seat, she accepted to pass her kid to me.
When I was almost getting off to my work place and handing over her child, the kid cried bitterly and was resisting to go back to the mother. Later I cadled her until this child slept, thereafter gave the baby back.
This mother asked for my number though I hesitated to give her but eventually gave out to her.
When I reached the shop, just while getting ready, I heard a crying baby noise same like the child I was carrying few minutes back, when I tried to look behind there was nothing. I decided to closed my shop and went back home. At night while lying at in my bed, I noticed the door was opening but there was no one entering. I locked it with keys for second time ,it opened wider again, this time there was light coming from outside while wondering what that could be I saw young kid and as was coming closer I noticed that it was that small baby that I had carried in minibus in the morning. I got scared and there was no one around me, I was so scared.
For more you may get Audio Cd, to hear what transpared from there to date when mathew is delevered by intensive prayers and fasting from Man of God Bishop Nicolous Suguye.
Please call 0715 448 117 for your audio Cd.