Bishop Nicolous Suguye ushering the Word of God to saints of WRM in one sunday about tithing.

Bishop stressing points regarding tithing and its benefits to the one who gives in right manner.

Pastor Anna Suguye praying for the baby in fulfilling Jesus' ministry of blessing and not baptising them.

Gift from God

Bishop leading people in deleverance prayers.

The saints amidst prayers

Delevering their minds that the devil was using.

Saints bow down before God for repenting of not giving out full tith, which had brought curse upon them.

Bishop ushering deleverance to some of members that had lost love towards their partners, and therefore could not enjoy having affair with them.

In the mighty name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! be free now.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye praying the lady.

Bishop leading deliverance in above women, who often dream having affairs with unknown men at night.

In the mighty name of Jesus, you evil spirits depart from this woman, as you may see a woman waving hands up and screaming out, while evil spirits departing from her.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye laying hand upon people to be delevered.

From above, standing people waiting for the servant of God to lay hand upon them so as to be delevered.

The lady getting deleverance by some few servants of God

Demonically possed lady opposing God's power that descended on her that sunday, that left her to go free.

The photo above, shows young man who encountered God's power the way was not expecting. But he was left free in the mighty name of Jesus.

In the mighty name of Jesus, be free young woman.

Evil spirits inside the lady above experienced God's fire, and finally ran out of , leaving her in peace.

Demons could not allow this lady open her eyes, instead were groaning, but when the servant of God layed hand on her, demons left her.

Usher mwapili helping to carry powered woman after God's intervention in her situation.

She had maimuna spirits, and they almost wanted to kill her child, but when she allowed God through his servant Bishop Nicolous Suguye to usher deleverance on her, she was set free instantly.(photo above)

Before deleverance, she was shouting and promising to kill her child.

Pastor Sinko commanding evil spirit out in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tearing lady was under God operation to delever her.

George Kayala, testfying before the saints how God took him back to his job.

The lady above testfying how God has been good to and enabling her to finish up school peacefully.