Dear brethren, on behalf of THE WORD OF RECONCILLIATION MINISTRIES (WRM), I take this opportunity to salute you in the mighty name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.It is my prayer that you prosper in every thing that GOD intends you for.
At this ample time, it is my pleasure to share with you what GOD is doing and intending to do with us.
The building structure you see up, is where we conduct our weekly and sunday services, the building can only contain less than five hundred people at ontime service session. But now GOD is doing alot of good things to His children every single day and as a result of miracles ,the number of people keeps incresing daily, and at the same time the building structure becomes more smaller.
In several services, church members and new born again christians are forced to sit outsider the building since they can not find place to sit nor stand because building is fully parked. Our structure can no longer contain increasing population.
For GOD's sake, and increasing number of people, I am calling upon your assistance either wealthywise or prayer wise to share this need with me by constructing up a new structure building which will have ability to seat more than five thousands people in one time service session and GOD will surely bless you.We are not attached to any denomination be free to forward your contribution through contacting Pastor Nicolous Suguye, The Founder of The Word Of Reconcilliation Ministries(WRM), Email npsp78@yahoo.com , Mobile number +255 784 448 117
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