Bishop Nicolous Suguye teaching hints on how to choose the right friend in life. Bishop stated that a friend can make your life bitter or enjoyable, only this depends on the type of a friend you are living with.
Many people have found their lives becoming bitter because the type of friends surrounding them are not right.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye teaching hints on how to choose the right friend in life. Bishop stated that a friend can make your life bitter or enjoyable, only this depends on the type of a friend you are living with.
Many people have found their lives becoming bitter because the type of friends surrounding them are not right.

The new church committee, led by Bishop Nicolous Suguye (Chairman), Pastor Anna Suguye (Second chair lady), The others are permanent secretary, and treasurer.

Bishop Nicolus Suguye, ushering God's Word into congragation, still regarding importance of choosing the right friend.

Reading the Word of God to emphasise on how good friendship is.

Bishop elaborates how wrong friends act, they are full of hypocris in them.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye on this sunday the SPIRIT led him to give the watch to the gentleman beside him, yet it was his first time to visit the WRM.

Some of instrument members listening to Bishop's instructions obediently.

Sophia Kuja worship God in Spirit during praise and worship session this sunday.

Mrs Kabula George worship God.

Voice of praise and worship team bowing down to the creator of heavens and earth during worship this sunday.

Brother mwihave, gospel arts, singing and dancing before the almighty God.

Some of famous gospel singer dancing and singing before God, from the right is Mr. Mwihava, followed by Renata samba, and left extreme is Mrs George Kabula.

Keyboard player evengelist Isango and gitalist brother Silas, during praise session.

Voice of praise performing before God this sunday during praise session.

After getting what God did to the friend, this time sister..... has decided to follow her baby miracle, she asked God to give her a child.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye, ushering prayer for deleverance upon the crowd

Bishop praying for people with chronical deseases in the mighty name of Jesus.

As Bishop Nicolous Suguye was praying for people, the Spirit told him to lay hand upon them seven times, and below is what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Esther Birungi is ugandan lady, married to tanzania and a mother of three children.This sunday she visited the Word Of Reconcilliation Ministries at banana, and as man of God was praying for people, through power of holy Spirit, God revealed things which were in her heart, she was hopeless, and very bitter, because her husband has left, and does not provide anything for kids.
Esther thanked God for having heard her prayers.

Esther carrying her thirdborn child.

Bishop Nicolous Suguye comforting her, while youth pastor in between looking forward.

Bishop delevering her from resentment and bitter heart in the mighty name of Jesus.

Bishop Nicolous S. laying his hand the seventh time of deleverance prayers

As you may see, Bishop ushering prayers of deleverance on Esther.

After Bishop laying hand on people the seventh time, the lady above who was possesed by evil spirit could not withstand the anointing, it was hard to contain, evil spirits kicked off.

Some of servants trying to restrict a lady from running away, after seventh time prayers of deleverance.

Demonically possesed lady reacting towards God's unresistable mega power

Under deleverance after seventh time of laying hand on her.

Demons could not let her open eyes, its was for this reason that Jesus was revealed to destroy such evil works.

Some of member who had chronical deseases, ready for deleverance.

Getting prayers from Bishop Nicolous Suguye to get babies.

Demons are encoutering hotest hour as they are being cast out.

All they were instructed to hold hands as Bishop prayed for them to have babies.

Evil spirits screaming out of these ladies after intensive prayers from man of God.

surely its apleasure to experience Gods prophetic annoiting on earth at atime as this when many have lost hope! THOMAS Uganda.