Revelation 21 :7-8, he who overcomes this will inherit this.......'
Some time we take things lightly, and when somethin happen, our faith is shaken off, and our life is filled with anxiety, and worries.
And the bible states clearly that God will cast all who fear and hav

Some of people who were worried and lost faith.
1.Gahaz the servant of Elisha, was worries when they were surrounded with enemies
( 2Kings 6 : 8-18) And the king of sham plotted to ambush the King of Israel......".
When you are blind in spirit you can hardly see things in spirit, whenever your spiritual eyes are open you can see God's protection on you.
Do not accept spiritual blindness, this is a weapon that is used by the devil so that you do not possess what God has prepared for you.
For instance one takes application letter to the office by faith and he fails to deliver the letter simply because of fear, it becomes hard to posses the job ahead of you.
2.Jesus' desciples, though they believed in wonders (Matthew 8 :1-4) ' When Jesus was walking he came across a person who surfered from leprosy
(Matthew 14: 22), He ordered His disciples to board and cross over, when they were amidst the sea, there was a great storm and while they struggled to save themselve, Jesus was seen from far walking on water
and they were all afraid, that they thought it was a demon, they called upon him, and Jesus knowing that, he said its me be not afraid and peter said Lord if its you accept me to com

as he started walking suddenly his faith went out and started to sink, called to Jesus for help.
Whenever fear comes in, blindness takesover, and hence one can not breakthrough.
( Luke 8 :49-50),' Do not be afraid just believe.'
Things of spirit can only be seen by spiritual eyes, and physical things can be seen with our flesh eyes. The devil will always blind you.
3. (Acts 5:7-11), Even the apostlic church.' Annaniah and safira failed to trust in God and did not bring before the apostles what they had promised to produce for God's work.
Act 12: 13-17), When Peter was in prison, the brethren prayed earnestly and God sent angel to save Peter, but when Peter came to meet them they were all afraid and thought was Peter's spirit.
Sometimes God can do healing miracle on you but you still remain in fear when you are asked to go for checkup. We should pray without fear and instead believe that God is more than able,
we shall have breakthrough in everything. (Psalms 91:5-9 Ephesians 1:17-18)....
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