God's anointed servant, and overseer of Wrm, Nicolaus Suguye ushering God's word to the congregation this sunday 10th october 2010.
The Prophet and overseer of WRM following closely on gentleman's words on how the wife disappeared wierdly, see below photo.
The gentleman above continue to share life challenge after disappearance of his wife. He explained to the congregation that he had visited several witchdoctors to returnback the wife but with no success. After telling such sad story, The Holy Spirit directed servant of God to say something on him, regarding the return of his wife, "Today your wife is coming back" .
God's servant commanding evil spirit out of lady lying down, this is why Jesus was manifested, is to destroy satan's work in mankind.

The woman who never wanted to look into servant's eyes because she was demonically possed.

Powerfully prayers ushered to delever congregation through annointed hands of God's servant Nicolous Suguye.

This young woman undergoing total deleverance from fire prayers that made devil to flee as man of God's was ushering them to people who have been tormented and oppressed by the devil.
Mr Ally (photo above) came for the first time to WRM. Since it was reasonable hour attended by God, through His servant Nicolous Suguye, religion could not help him up, but when he came for the first time in WRM, his life never remained the same, was delevered.
This is how Ally was after powerful prayers, infact Ally became lighter and joy began to flow inside his heart.
No one has entered The Word of Reconciliation and remained the same way, always something new happens.
Bishop Nicolous Suguye attending people during deleverance session, and comfirming to the message of " for this reason Son of Man was manifested to destroy works of devil.
Bishop Nicolous Suguye praying to delever the child whom certain servant here in Dar declared that one time she will be a prostitute.
Servant continue to delever the young boy whom also had been stated as a wizard by the so called servant.
Photo above shows the mother of two children getting deleverance prayers from the curses of the so called servant.
The young lady experiencing deleverance after powerful touch of annointed servant Nicolous Suguye.
Praying for deleverance on oppressed lady.
Part of congregation following up on prayers.
Holy Spirit leading servant to call out some one amidst the congregation for special word about his life.
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