The Lord anointed Bishop Nicolaus Suguye preaching the word of God last Sunday in The Word of Reconciliation Ministries held in the Garden of Eden at Dar es Salaam.
Bishop Nicolaus Suguye speaking believers explaining how young Ally, who last week came in the service and meet the power of God and redeemed by the power of darkness.
Surely God is good,
Ally is now free and he relates how he received healing after and prayed for God's Anointed Suguye Nicolaus. The young man who is a Muslim he narrates how he came to church for the first time and experienced the hand of the Lord, because when a servant, teaching the Holy Spirit said to the bishop that there are two people have dreamed at night they rushed to a snake, so pass in front for the petitions. But Ally had felt unwell and was head began aching and decided to leave the church there. Feeling like a servant tells him, after suffering for so long he decided to surrender and is saved.
Let God call him God. This sister testifies how God averteth and death after buying poison to drink and then die after her husband married and live harassing due within one year of marriage without bearing. After harassment by her husband and his relatives, including a woman who was walking with her husband, was seen as no profit in this world and decided to commit suicide. Blessed be the God of Atonement, when he has already bought a severe drug and timing of rat poison at 11 PM, he started writing letters to let her husband know it caused to die. Once he heard the sound of a gentle heart to him fast radio. Alipotii voice, opened the meeting with the minister of God Suguye he prayed for people with various problems. He said that those with chronic problems, touch their radio will receive the healing he was obeying a sudden corruption and receiving God's power to suspend the practice of suicide and now is independent. Obey the Lord's anointed is very profitable but there you go against a loss. Mary Lubeni he has witnessed how lightly the voice of the Holy Spirit through His servant Suguye Nicolaus. A week ago he was moved by the Holy Spirit by asking all those young pregnant from the month a lock to go through before prayed for two months after seeing the snake eats pregnant. Mary was defiant after the application where his waist and started biting evening flowed pregnancy.
Mary with her husband
Guests who visit us last week, the picture below they were strangers prayed and pastureland Anna Suguye
Photos from under the bishop was praying people Suguye various problems.
When Jesus did his ministry here the world before the ascension, there was a period without asking and then watched the demons to leave independent who is running to be bound thereby. And even now, few workers are still using the same power that Jesus was with them. This picture shows the bishop Suguye looking at out sister who is persecuting him.
Photo shows the top and bottom acts restless spirits leave these independent sister.
This brother came in the service can not even walk, the Spirit of the Lord showed his power of healing through his servant Suguye as pictured here is warranted.
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